Independence: the Path to Freedom and Reducing Recidivism

America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, yet millions of our citizens lose their freedom due to incarceration. Reducing recidivism is a top priority for everyone who wholeheartedly embraces the American values of independence, hard work, and freedom. Join us in the fight to reduce recidivism.   Reducing Recidivism…

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A Second Chance at Motherhood: Thriving after Reentry

Did you know that 81% of women in the Texas state corrections system are mothers? What happens after a mom is released from prison? Many vulnerable women fall right back into the same unhealthy patterns that lead to repeated incarceration unless someone steps in to provide loving, practical reentry support. Here’s how you can partner…

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Providing Successful Reentry Services and Support for Individuals Overcoming Substance Abuse

Key Takeaways Incarceration for drug-related charges costs Texas taxpayers over $52 million per year. The state of Texas provides a variety of treatment programs intended to reduce recidivism, including S.A.F.P.F. Participants struggle to complete these programs for a variety of practical and logistical reasons. Caring support from The Way Back helps participants successfully graduate and…

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Kelly’s Second Chance: An Impact Story from The Way Back

Watch Kelly’s Story Kelly was incarcerated in April of 2020 and served about two years before being released. Once out of prison, life held many obstacles and challenges for her. Kelly had experienced substance abuse, living in a tent city, and the loss of her family relationships and career. She had been a professional chef…

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The Difference a Friend Can Make

“….anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” —Misty Copeland   Everyone needs a support system, regardless of what they are facing in life. Some of us are blessed to have good friends and mentors that we can depend on, while others struggle with a lack of support. For formerly…

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The Impact of Incarceration on the Family

When a person goes to prison, he or she isn’t the only person whose life is profoundly changed by the experience. Incarceration has a ripple effect beyond the individual, on his or her family—and community.   According to the National Institute of Justice, family members of incarcerated individuals are often referred to as “hidden victims”—victims…

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Breaking the Cycle of Recidivism: Why Support and Compassion Are Essential—and What You Can Do

The desire to build a better future may be nearly universal, but a new life takes time and resources to build, especially when you are reentering society after incarceration. Without proper support, many individuals struggle with recidivism.   Recidivism—the tendency to repeat an offense or relapse into criminal behavior—is sadly common among formerly incarcerated men…

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Mental Health Month and the Importance of Support During Reentry

Mental Health Month is a prime opportunity to create awareness of the hard realities faced by those walking the path to reentry who also face mental health challenges, as well as to highlight the resources, solutions, and organizations that are working together to bring hope and healing.   May has been recognized as Mental Health…

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