Our Solution
Our evidenced-based approach addresses the barriers and challenges formerly incarcerated individuals face in navigating reentry to their lives, families, and communities.
The Way Back provides comprehensive, wrap-around services that address immediate needs such as clothing, food, hygiene, housing assistance, and referrals to social services, as well a continuum of case management and supportive services that transform lives and build paths to a more secure future. Through targeted support and intervention, The Way Back is reducing recidivism, generational incarceration, and poverty in our communities.
Our Clients
We serve formerly incarcerated individuals, including veterans, who:
- Are 18 years or older
- Live in Dallas and surrounding counties
- Were released from prison or a correctional facility within the last 12 months
- Are committed to fulfilling follow-up requirements for case
Our Intake
All participants are guided through a comprehensive intake process with:
- Needs and Interventions Assessment
- Self-Sufficiency Assessment
- Education and Workforce Assessments
- Short- and Long-Term Goal Setting
- Survival Needs
Our Focus
Individual plans are developed using assessments and self-sufficiency measures:
- Income, Employment and Finances
- Housing/Shelter
- Education and Training
- Transportation/Mobility
- Documentation
- Recidivism and Supervision Compliance
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Our Pillar Programs
We provide unparalleled and transformative reentry support for formerly incarcerated individuals via our three pillar programs. Our innovative programs, including case management and outcomes measurement capabilities, are essential to guide individuals toward personal and economic goals well beyond avoiding

In-Prison Programs
Our staff helps individuals prepare for life outside prison. Through regularly scheduled group meetings, we build relationships anchored in trust. These programs emphasize behavioral transformation through positive programming in safe, small group settings that encourage individual reflection and personal growth. These courses are specifically designed to offer individuals a means to change their thought processes, moderate negative behaviors, and practice more productive social interactions with those around them, even before they are released into the community.

Women’s Reentry Initiative
We provide reentry support for women who have experienced substance abuse and are returning to the community from incarceration. Case managers provide comprehensive wrap-around services, including self-sufficiency development and family reunification. This program serves women with a history of substance abuse who are in the Dallas County Specialty Court SAFPF Program. Clients are provided mentoring from a Peer Support Specialist with a focus on Cognitive Behavior Intervention, whole-person care reentry support and case management.

Re-Entry Program
We work with individuals returning to their communities from incarceration. Individuals receive whole-person care and case management with tailored interventions, services and support needed for stability, self-sufficiency, and long-term success.