Dallas Based Reentry Nonprofit, The Way Back, Awarded Grant from Aventiv Technologies’ Community Impact Fund

The Way Back
For 48 years, The Way Back has worked to reduce recidivism and stop the cycle of generational incarceration and poverty.
This grant from the Aventiv Technologies Community Impact Fund will ensure that The Way Back can continue with our vital work as we support and advocate for second chances.
Individuals returning from incarceration are almost 10 times more likely to be homeless and often end up in an endless cycle of homelessness and recidivism, both of which are often caused by lack of income. Connecting individuals with immediate income opportunities, coupled with case management service, equates to a reduction in homeless and lower recidivism. Prison Policy Initiative reports that unemployment for black men is 6.4% for the general population vs. 43.6% for formerly incarcerated, suggesting that immediate income coupled with workforce readiness and second chance employment assistance are critical in reducing recidivism. The Way Back has conducted over 150 Workforce Readiness Boot Camps, assisting approximately 4,000 clients, and placing 1,500 clients in jobs, with a focus on training and immediate employment.
The Way Back was awarded $30,000 from Aventiv Technologies allowing us to provide smart phones and service as part of our “The Way Back to Work” program. By providing much needed technology such as smart phones, clients can receive a complete stabilization package, allowing them to participate in immediate income opportunities.
“So many individuals are struggling to overcome huge barriers for reentering society, this grant will help us provide the technology and support moving formerly incarcerated individuals out of crisis, into a place of stability and economic mobility,” Robert “T-Ray” Manley, Executive Director - The Way Back.
With the addition of smart phones, clients will have immediate income and will begin building a digital resume. Clients will begin to establish work history that is stored digitally. This work history can be shown to prospective employers. This process prepares our returning citizens to enter the workforce full time.
“We fully support giving incarcerated individuals as well as those rejoining society access to the technology they need to be successful, which is one of the reasons we selected The Way Back as a grant recipient,” said Dave Abel, President and CEO of Aventiv Technologies, parent company of Securus Technologies. “Securing employment after incarceration is vital for individuals to rebuild steady lives, and cell phones are an essential aspect for communication and employer engagement.”
“The Way Back is intentional with our efforts to disrupt the cycle of recidivism and thrilled Aventiv is partnering with us. This grant will help us empower individuals, restore families and create safer communities” Robert “T-Ray” Manley, Executive Director-The Way Back.
For more information on The Way Back, please visit www.thewaybackhouse.org.
Founded in 1973, The Way Back House provides reentry services to returning citizens and veterans in North Texas so they may change their trajectories and successfully reenter society. The Way Back vision is that anyone who wants to work, regardless of their past, has the preparation, support network, and skills needed to find a job, stay employed, and achieve economic stability.
The Way Back approach is different, as we strive to be a “one-stop” shop where a clients can get comprehensive wrap around services from before release until they have living wage employment and permanent housing. The Way Back overarching goal is to support formerly incarcerated individuals and veterans as they reenter society so that they become a positive asset to their family and our communities and move from a crisis situation to a stable and thriving life.
Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Aventiv Technologies serves more than 3,450 public safety, law enforcement and corrections agencies and over 1,100,000 incarcerated individuals across North America, Aventiv is committed to serve and connect by providing emergency response, incident management, public information, investigation, biometric analysis, communication, information management, inmate self-service, and monitoring products and services in order to make our world a safer place to live. For more information, please visit www.Aventiv.com. Aventiv is a portfolio company of Platinum Equity. Founded in 1995 by Tom Gores, Platinum Equity is a global investment firm with a portfolio of approximately 40 operating companies that serve customers around the world